Anything you need help, Roger jer
Awek melayu power
Bloody entitled angmoh trying to act funny like it’s his grandfather’s road 😂
I agree real life arasaka corpo and night city
Benda boleh langgar buat apa dating
Moyang oyen
Semek tungsi?
Tony from lc sign
Kenot la not punchline
Sek kito mandi lanjey hehahuhahahahaha
I’m a compensation specialist. AMA.
Fuck the Valentine Day
Fuhh roti canai roti terbakar
The power of snu snu
Head father you
/r/Singapore moderators shuts down talk of unfair hiring practices
I thought we had a future but he never loved me
Fellow Chinese Bolehlanders, say that you can marry a Muslim without needing to convert. Would you?
Terpalinggggg deep dive kedalamzz. (later kena copi incel by Simpson)
Moomoo free Tesla fractional share
Wao he's coming to grab some pusseh in Malaysia
When there is robbery, where this is guy tho?
No need gym, hustle for the ka Ching and be passport bro/sugar papi. Your rejected woman can grow old or had hormonal change once ada beby.
Should I Quit My Low-Paying Corporate Job to Work on My Family’s Kebun Sawit?