Can anyone approximate the weight of this bass off of looks alone?
Who would do this to themselves?
You want a tictac
Favorite thing about Rick? POSITIVE COMMENTS ONLY PLZ 🙏
Green Day is overrated…
Glad they made a sub in honor of Nautica Malone #GLM FLY HIGH🕊️ 💔
Happy Liver Olympics Friday!!!’
I would’ve like to see how this guy would play joker ( DC )
3am Yumi
What do you think?
Nearly accidently sent this to my supervisor yesterday
I love fishing creeks for dinks
Caught this lil guy when I was bluegill fishing
Gotta love catching slabs
Choose the name of my kitten TWD style
Look at the forehead on this guy
I just can’t seem to keep a fish clean for a picture. nice bass tho she was a good fight !!
Oh no Monke Man got turned into furniture :(
I caught this out of a shallow overflow of a lake, what is it?
I had this fat little guy eat my crappie jig when I was fishing a creek
Costco hot dogs give me superpowers
Blargs new channel
This is diabolical