Kaupapa Māori and Multispecies Justice: a reciprocal critique | Philip McKibbin (Kāi Tahu) (guest on Sentientism ep: 120)
Agency and AI | Rob Long
Sentience, Cognition and Moral Status in Animals | Margaret S. Landi
When we consider what #sentience evolved for it becomes clear how our interests in staying alive, in avoiding pain and in finding comfort are among the most fundamental and the most widely shared across our multi-species family tree.
Humanists International's "Freedom of Thought" Report - focused on discrimination against non-religious human sentients:
How should we treat farmed animals? Adolescents are more speciesist than adults | Luke McGuire (Sentientism guest ep:170), Emma Fry, Nadira Faber
Infant Consciousness Conference | NYU Center for Mind, Ethics, and Policy
A System-Focused Approach To Industrial Food Animal Production | Faunalytics | Rachel Mason
Introducing the Religion and Worldviews Approach to Religious Education
The Case for Insect Consciousness | Bob Fischer
Tackling Social Injustice Through Developing Epistemic Literacy in Religious [and Worldviews!] Education | Jo Fraser-Pearce and Alexis Stones
The needs of digital minds | Soenke Ziesche & Roman V. Yampolskiy
The Jacksons' Debate - can fiction help us thrive?
The Animals' Lawsuit Against Humanity | Translators: Rabbi Anson Laytner, Rabbi Dan Bridge
Why is animal consciousness controversial? A trialogue | Jonathan Birch
Sentience, Vulcans, and zombies: the value of phenomenal consciousness | Joshua Shepherd
Multispecies Dialogues - Doing Philosophy with Animals, Children, the Sea and Others - Eva Meijer
"The Simple Magic of Life” - Phenomenology, Ontology, and Animal Ethics | Zipporah Weisberg
Animal consciousness: why it matters | by Sentientism guest Walter Veit
Towards a Global Ban on Industrial Animal Agriculture By 2050 | Jeff Sebo, Emma Dietz and Toni Sims
Factory Farming Could Be The Most Important Problem You Could Work On | 80,000 Hours
Critical Animal Pedagogy: Liberating the Nonhuman Learner? - on_education | Reingard Spannring
Navigating Uncertainty about Sentience | Ethics | Hayley Clatterbuck and Bob Fischer
If Panpsychism Is True, Then What? | Luke Roelofs, Nicolas Kuske
How Sentientism Could Change Ethics Forever And Prove God Exists!