can't believe i met team free will!
….and 15 seasons
What Supernatural quotes do you use the most?
Lulu is a murderer and Kirk is Norman Bates
Baby gets her own captions
Sometimes I wonder what they were thinking
Once upon a time these two were such goals lol
that mermaid case
Nicole being kidnapped
Need help in which episodes to skip (fillers)
Anyone feels happy when they don’t draw Takagi dirty and stick to how he looks in the manga?
Poisoned my daughter did you? Marry her quick!! 😍😍😍
What moment has you feeling like this?
The Best Season from each show (Day 3: PLL)
What's something that happened in the book,but never in the series?
When do you think monA became the 5th liAr / when did she redeem herself for you?
My 8 random pairings, what do you think lol
Who is the best looking of the three?
Am I the only one that felt for Ali in this scene? 😓
'He' always take care of her ^^
Do you consider Alison and Mona as one of the liArs?