I feel so stupid. When will I feel confident at what I do?
Cloning Mifare Classic EV1 1k
You don't want to mess with my FO
Is there a place to download complete bgp peering data for ASNs?
Everyday Carry for 15+ Years
Tuner or analyzer?
Tips for going out alone?
What Do You Carry for Personal Protection?
An ok place to meet other 40 year olds
T55x7 problem
"Our air traffic controllers-–they are stressed out, they are tapped out, they are overworked-–that’s no excuse, it’s just a reality of what we have in the system," - Sean Duffy
Emv versus nfc
Web based ham receive
What happened to car free Valencia on the weekends?
Regrading Dual RFID
If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
OpenPath Badge Security
Bathroom Codes in SF!
I've tried everything I know and must say that Mifare Classic 1k cards are not as vulnerable as people may think.....
Unknown LF RFID card - does not respond to proxmark but consumes a lot of power
How come when I do a traceroute to my own home router from another network (AS) in the same country, the packet has to travel internationally through Italy? What is this BGP sorcery?
How time flys!
San Francisco Predictions for 2025
I’m just wondering at what point does the number of controller suicides make it to the mainstream media. Our problems need to be known. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, you guys in here?
What is your one wish for your neighborhood?