What is your example for something that is counter intuitive with respect to training?
Why no boycott?
Have to move to Europe for the next 3 months - only have a Sessions pass
Is 5 inches considered a powder day?
Is it unreasonable to break up with someone based on how good they are at sex?
Should I pay for her lift ticket on the first date?
Looking for help planning an advanced level trip
Regression happens fucking fast. Use it or lose it folks
Ski Choice
Steepest skiable angle?
Lack of carbs = passing out?
Justify Bike Purchase
How often do you do cardio?
Is -20 wind chill and below too dangerous to bike?
New to strength training: Should I run on the treadmill every session?
Is possible to become a Vegan without eating ultra-processed food?
Numbness while riding my Zwift bike – need help!
Is nudity normal in the locker room?
Intermediate Etiquette
A fake S-Works SL8 in the wild
Couples: how do you split rent?
Base Layer Ettiquette
How many levels of backup gear do you keep?
Joggo Experience
Solo Skiing around North Conway