NYC Subways & Being Shoved
Any thoughts on Divergently?
Do you find Gen X men cringe and boring?
What Glass Animals lyrics?
what tfb lyrics?
Transitional target of a psychopath
Has anyone experienced being a freelance UX researcher? Is it possible?
PSA: NYC Men are flooding this sub, please be careful
Does anyone else get worse symptoms during the polar vortex?
Men in NYC BWT: A man messaged me after I posted in here
What has helped you (literally ANYTHING) improve your life if you live with ADHD and/ or autism
Organizers that hide everything that are good quality?
BWT, in honor of David Lynch, let's share our recommendations for surreal art and culture.
Anyone else terrified for what’s to come? I need advice on how to cope.
Going through a break up. Best bar to flirt with men 30s and up tonight
Gym that isn't too loud and bro-y in NYC?
queer bwts how are you making friends in NYC?
Wool - The Miracle Fiber
I've been hit on twice from creeps on r/menopause in last week? Is this a trend?
Now cancer rate is rising for us
Anyone else ADHD and menopause kicking their ass??
Things I Wish My Mother Told Me
how are we intervening when we spot a fellow bwt being harassed on the street?
Yet another post about subway harassment. Sick of it!
BWT (and sensitive skin), what vitamin C serum are we using?
NYCBWT & ASD/ADHD what are we doing for fun in NYC that isn’t too loud, too bright or too crowded?