What's a scam that people think isn't a scam?
What is something that deserves ALL the hate it gets?
What is something that is romanticized in modern society that is actually fucked up?
For people who have never caught covid even once, what's your secret?
If the US were to be dragged into another war, what lengths would you go to in order to dodge the draft?
Caught on a trail cam in Nc
Looking for an older Hong Kong movie, cross-eyed man with hairy soles
[Game Boy?] [~2005-2010?] [Old fantasy game with subclass characters including Warrior, Cleric, Fighter, Sage, etc., with what I'm pretty sure was a top down camera angle]
What invention is so great it needs no improvements or updates?
What's the stinkiest thing you guys have ever smelled?
If you could pick one daily chore to be automatically done for you that would make your life instantly better, which one would you choose?
Met on bumble last September, getting ready to move in together, couldn’t be happier
What's the strangest, weirdest hobby you've ever heard about someone having?
What's something embarrassing that happened in your childhood that you will never tell your family about?
Whats the weirdest fetish you can think of?
About sleeping with dick inside
What feels like begging but isn't?
What would instantly destroy your life just by doing it once?
What's something you used to appreciate when you were younger but the internet absolutely ruined for you?
What is a collector's item that you think is actually worth buying?
To those who always manage to stay happy: how do you keep a positive attitude or optimistic mindset in the face of difficulties throughout the day? What advice would you give to someone struggling with staying positive despite their problems?
What is something that always makes you angry when you see other people doing it?
You are given a mystery appliance to be put somewhere in your house, it has the power to do one magical thing a day to make your life easier, where are you putting it and what can it do?
For those who left America, do you feel less drive to work as hard as you can?