Help with Upgrading Team
Which mythic should I push for this promo ?
Upcoming event to save cash for?
Yay 😀 😂😩 idgaf about him
Next Drop
Great addition
Mythic deion
Not so tuff
Team Diamonds vs Madden Core
We are not going to get the community challenge goal
From The Last Event In The Bottom Chain
Upgrading/Building Team
Let's all vote pickens
New Team Diamonds..thoughts??
Vote Devin Hester
New Fan Favourite Event question
Late pulls
OBJ or Pickens?
Who we all voting for in Fan Favorites?
This Superbowl promo was so good to me, specially as a F2P player 🔥
Players for tomorrows drop
Honor step up
Anybody got one of them mythic? How are they? Who is better and why?
Honors Step Ups Incoming