Love em
Hey wait a sec
Olroight boyz, tell me your favorite ork characters or units and I’ll see if youre worthy to join my WAGGH!
When you order a Reaver Titan from Temu
Guard players are never going to beat the allegations.
Tell me your favorite Necron character or unit…
Anti tank buggy
What’s something that can completely ruin a hamburger for you?
Real classy moves here
What do you think realistically would have happened if Trump got killed by the shooter?
Lmao what?
Too wide to be a battlewagon?
What's it like to be a Russian here?
The only thing worse than reddit atheism is "ironic" satanist atheism
We lost the best of us, boys.
u/Perpetualhillman got banned. Tribute post to him
Pro lifers reacting to a TX teenager being forced to give birth
The hot one is Sanguinius. Who is the only normal persson? (Top comment decides)
Liblefts on Reddit vs. PCM
Christian communists seem to often confuse possesion of wealth for love of money
Today's news stories (6th July, 2024) that would interest each quadrant the most
Origin Stories
What warhammer related thing they are seeing?
Russian rocket just has hitted a block house in Dnipro. Russia keeps killing civilians in Ukraine.
Ukrainian soldiers before and after Russian captivity.