Seeking Guidance on My Faith Journey
What to know about attending the church for the first time?
Today I was made a deacon in the Episcopal Church
Super anxious about going for the first time
Just submitted my application to postulancy for Holy Orders 🙏🏻
Does anyone here know how to enter the EfM through Sewanee college?
Is the Episcopal church Anglo-Catholic?
Why I joined the Episcopal Church
Book of Common Prayer History?
Wearing a cross necklace......
Figuring out my faith and sexuality
Hi everyone! I thought I’d dip my toes in and see if maybe this is right for me
Morning Prayer question about authorized intercessions and thanksgivings
Question regarding the Book of Occasional Services
Meeting with Bishop Wednesday for Discernment
i always count songs like this
Episcopalians practicing Marian devotion, chaplets, etc?
Book Recommendations - On Paul
Who was Lancelot andrewes and why is he so special?
How can I switch from Catholic to Episcopal?
How to tell if a key is major or minor?
Songs with a major seventh?
Last minute question before attending church
Suggestions about how to keep a Sabbath day when working and in school