Pittsburgh is not in the mid-west
Loom software began running on my laptop by itself, without my asking it to. Later it uninstalled itself - again, without my asking it to.
I was banned and muted from an art subreddit for packaging my 3D printed work, so I printed and packaged the mod.
Who was Eleven Eleven?
I guess my sunscreen wasn't water resistant
40M professional looking to build social circle
My Amazon Guy Steven Pope
What's the lore reason that Pittsburgh was uneffected by the nukes or the apocalypse from the Great war?
Any Dads/Husbands want to make new friendships?
Physicists have built the most accurate clock ever: one that gains or loses only one second every 40 billion years.
Which profession do you think makes for the worst tenants?
Ideas for small business on Main St in resort town?
What am I looking at? A corbel… part 2
What am I looking at? Discovered this under several layers of board on a 1900 Western Pennsylvania building.
Sooo, how hard is it to lay tile for a first-timer?
Handy man here. I agreed to do the electric, plumbing, and mechanical for my parents addition
Sober friends in Pittsburgh
The backup camera in my car has an obnoxious message that doesn’t go away telling you to watch your surroundings, placed directly where you would want to look to check your surroundings.
Single guy things to do in Pittsburgh
I bought a home that has minor damage from mine subsidence
Where do you find architects and what are the qualities you look for when hiring one?
Which country you'd love to revisit, and why?
The best no-bake cookies you will ever make
Medium Tall Screen Printing
I have access to a $375k Line of Credit. What you would do with it if you were me to generate cash flow