Australian Survivor Brains vs Brawn 2 - Week 2
AU Survivor Brains v Brawn II: Week 2 Edgic & Contenders
Australian Survivor Brains vs Brawn 2 Edgic Week 1
Australian Survivor Brains vs Brawn 2 - Week 1
Anyone here playing KCD2?
Deal or No Deal Island S2 Episode 5 Edgic + Writeup
Best Tamriel Rebuilt/Project Tamriel drip?
Any advice for someone trying to beat Morrowind for their first time?
Project Cyrodiil: Daedric Armor
Mistlands progression?
Deal or No Deal Island S2 Episode 3 Edgic + Writeup
“Operation: Italy” is the highest rated episode in the entire series on IMDb
What's the best food combo?
Has anyone thought of blasting their way to NG+10 *first*?
Honestly, play what seems cool and just look up tips if you run into trouble 🦕
Survivor 47 | E13 | Eastern Time Discussion
Big moves & playing for good TV
“This island’s not big enough for the both of us”
Who are we rooting for?
Rank the final 7 castaways from your most favorite to least
Rachel Red Flags
Rank the final 8 castaways from your most favorite to least
Mage Food Meta
Post your wayfarer!