bellybutton piercing advice
Progress (half way through my 6mo course)
Substance Interactions
CPTSD and Cannabis
The Thread Hasan Never Reviewed
Antidepressants and bipolar
Do you think you can see ghosts? If you think that's possible then would you tell your doctor when they ask if you have hallucinations? This is a real question.
What happened in your first manic episode?
best colleges (preferably in the US) to study marxist thought/communism?
What's the simplest task for neurotypicals that's the hardest task for you
If you had a choice, to press a button and your adhd was gone. Would you?
how do yall know you are in an episode
how many of you guys get dilated pupils too?
just got fired lol
How can i calm down ?
Tried something different. Thoughts, opinions and all crits welcomed
Psychiatrist diagnosis
This sub has helped me realize that I have NO idea how to ask for help
Definitely + defiantly = nightmare
So manic today I feel like I’m going to rip my own skin off. It hurts
Hello! What do you wish people in your life understood about your bipolar?
Will taking birth control effect my episodes?