What is the weirdest thing you’re attracted to?
My fat fatty fat ugly friend is stanky and fishy, please give me validation for what a good friend I am for tolerating her stanky fishiness 🥺
My friend keeps getting ghosted after first dates, how can I tell her why this is happening?
Sorry to post again, who am I kidding? Not sorry
Stopping T for pregnancy
Listening to workplace talk about weight and diet makes me almost lose it
Need clever bread or cracker themed names for this orange lad that aren’t Cheetoh or Cheezit!
omg they’re making brands just for us 😌
Forced to come to the "BOM Readathon" stuck here for the next 12hrs. I'm probably gonna try to sleep, listen to music, drown out the noise of the only true book on earth. Wish me luck😭
Anyone else got an orange snuggler?
What job will you never do again?
A theory I have about Anna.
I Left the Almond House.
They literally look the same, it's uncanny!
Our new baby girl needs a name, she has a sister named Minerva so something with a similar vibe please!
Still struggling with a name for my girl. It’s going on 3 weeks and nothing is sticking. I like food names but I am open to anything. She’s a spunky little girl that loves to talk
AIO, daughters dad will only communicate with me with his girlfriend present or in a group chat with her
All of my coworkers are dieting and I can’t handle it anymore
A healthy reminder about engagement
Missionaries Preying on Vulnerable People
if someone asks you your favorite p&r line..
Hello, my name is Zuko and I definitely *do not* like to pee on my grandma’s couch, no sir, you’ve got the wrong SIC!
Anyone else occasionally let their SIC have a human treat?
I could take both of them(not in a fight)
What was your opinion on people with ED's before having one?