VIP Group Photo?
Found this at a local record shop! Good steal?
Cleveland Prog Metal!
do u answer
Guess who it is? 🤔
I been done collecting
Finally picked up a Starclassic!
Just wondering, is this scammy!
Does anyone have any info about this CD? Found it at my local record store and knew I had to swipe
Updated DT Collection!
Midnight Messiah Drum Cover
Big Ol’ Michael Jackson Collector
My girlfriend bought me a Score T-Shirt and ticket
Finally! An affordable repress of Scenes Pt. 2
Favorite track from ADTOE
I quit Guitar Center AMA
Just a thought...
TBT when I worked a John Petrucci show
Selling my JM Bongo!
My credit cards outweigh my actual funds.
Did some recording today, how’s the kit? 🥴
espresso time
I know we're all excited about Portnoy, but...