32 and judged..
Why does vector want to get with creams mom
how can i stop getting sticker pikmin
Oh Clare….
What is your Neopets goal this year?
Which characters do you see having the most potential to cheat on their significant others? (This list does not include characters that had already cheated on the show)
Peter never really knew Emma 😆 🍗
I was happy with the outcome!
How to get 10k steps daily AND strength train?!
Girlfriend and I spent 45 minutes trying to get this pikachu blind box at the arcade, this is what I got
Is it an American thing to have a “derm”?
I wanna know who approved the Degrassi theatre department budget
Woooah, we're halfway there 🎵
craig walked so drew could run
[acne] is this progress???
(Discussion) Is it possible to get a star for 5 coins?
If Eggman's so egotistical, why does he design stuff in his image to still be fat instead of....y'know, fit and ripped?
EXCUSE ME! Marco Del Rossi would like a word
Older Radiohead fans…Do You Ever Feel You’ve Outgrown Radiohead?
So it's perfectly acceptable to drive 80 to 90 miles an hour in posted 65?
how true this is!
40 Calorie Chocolate Milk !!!
I only own Jamboree. Is superstars worth owning alongside it?
The news has been updated to the new layout!!!
Chia seeds might have given me the worst skin ever