could someone draw my quail who passed?
my boyfriend keeps feeding my hamster and now she's too fat
Supermarket egg hatch results?
i think she likes the blanket
my baby pearl passed away 😔 she was a sweet ham ☹️ i miss her so much already
i’m a beginning baker, here are my 3 recent cakes!
Favorite vocal stim?
show me your round hamsters!
some before and afters of stringfoot cases!
Hamster name :) (male)
is my hamster too fat?
cutie in rehab! any other pigeon destringers here?
my 3 rescue hamsters!
lego finally made a pigeon set!!
does wearing a scarf make anyone else gag?
I want to see your current outfit! Share it here!
pigeon stuff i bought at comic con!!
my favorite theme park sells pigeon food!
what are these kind of pigeons?
efteling tattoo i got done yesterday!
is this some type of pigeon?
update on the wild wood pigeon!
young wood pigeon that i’m taking care of
some pretty pictures that i took!