Not too thicc?
Do his feet look okay?
Wanted to share my tarantula crib B)
Rehydrating raccoon head?
Before and after big pee 🥰
Mister recommendations
Help me identify this cute skull
Is his butthole prolapsed ?
What’s the longest your Pac-Man frog has gone without pooping?
Kimchi being so magical 🧙♂️
both of my baby pacmen always miss their food and get a clump of dirt in their mouth but they won’t eat in a container or by tongs. what should i do?
Kimchis right side looks bloated and is an off color. Hasn’t pooped in a week
Does anyone know what this means? I’ve never seen him act like this. Thank you 💓
Chihuahua skull??
Anyone know if I could whiten this chihuahua skull? At least I believe it’s my long lost childhood dog I found under my moms house. :| Can anyone confirm it’s a dog skull?