What can yellow shells do in Mario Kart?
I want to see all your opinions on my hot takes. Do not hold back. This is based on how much fun I had playing them and the overall experience
To those that have played Super Mario 64/Super Mario 64 DS, do you skip certain stars instead of bothering to collect all 120/150 of them because they're frustrating?
Birdo custom figure
What's your take on clones in MK?
Do you support clones? Or oppose clones?
What is the r/formuladank official response to FIA ???
I still prefer the V10 🐺🔥
The hit horse girl gacha game Formula 1 [F1 x Uma Musume]
nature/nice walking routes nearby
What are the 4 tracks that first come to your mind when thinking about the original Mario Kart 8?
I need you peoples honest opinion’s, if you could actually use a kart combo other than Yoshi, Teddy roller and the red tires (no clue what their name is) what would you use?
What is your biggest pet peeve/annoyance in mk8dx?
What pevel are ya’ll?
how much skill i think every weapon requires (coming from someone who has all of them 4 starred)
Been playing Wii for the first time. Why do some of you prefer this over 8DX??
Yall are just killing it with the memes. It's a treasure trove here.
bruh. 💀
How cringe does everyone think this is gonna be?
Selling everything
If you could add one new Donkey Kong character in, who would it be and why?
Trinket dish made with polymer clay
What are you playing?
What's a track that you just can't stand/avoid at all cost?
Selling my skylanders :)
would anyone be interested if i sold these on Etsy