Worth purchasing an AR now?
If the choice is between a shitty $50 red dot off or shitty $50 iron sights off Amazon, just get the iron sights
Whats up with Marauda?
I made it easy! Standard Gear List - *Updated*
You have a right to arm yourselves, not a right to shoot people you don't like
It’s time to arm yourself if you can do so SAFELY AND LEGALLY
Me and my friend want to start an NJ chapter, looking for a third.
Colorado Senate Democrats approves bill banning guns with detachable ammunition magazines
Rate My Kit
Should I go out and buy a pewpew to protect myself and my family?
Touched Snow
Handgun or Shotgun for home defense?
I've joined the SRA and now crickets
Colorado senate passes semi auto gun ban bill (sb003) with a 19 to 15 vote
Peasants have such wild ambitions
Not every AR-15 is an M16 but every M16 is an AR-15
Proud to partake in democracy.
Autism hits us all differently
How do we not just resist, but win against a state backed military during a revolution?
Bug in or out during civil unrest
For those of you in Portland Area, the Shuten Defensive has firearms classes open for sign up.