Blood pressure
I can tell why you guys are upset, you spend all your time complaining instead of working on sales
For those who have sold items since the strike, are you asking buyers to wait? cancel and repurchase?
Are patterns and objects wavy to you?
Catieco, Nicole and company! Time to pull together on this one and support Shemeansbusiness!
**2ND AMA** I am a neuro-optometrist who frequently works with patients who have visual snow syndrome. AMA.
Glitching vision
Circles in vision
Live shows pricing
Live show questions
Universal Orlando, how do the rides affect you?
Cervicogenic Headache
Has anyone gotten headache-free with diamox?
Do you also feel pain when you look to the sides?
Healing IIH Naturally
Is lexapro guaranteed to make you numb?
Indomethacin for HC, waking up with terrible headaches
Wavy vision, like looking through a heat wave
I Finally have Relief
29F Looking for anyone to talk to
Carotid dissection from straining on the toilet?
Tell me this isnt carotid artery dissection
Unmedicated - mild cases?
Do any of you sleep lying down fully (without a bed wedge)?