Chrissy “versus” Janet
Tendinitis chest training
Gains versus appearance
Any effective abs workout (can be with extra weight ) .
Do you older GenXers remember the Vietnam War?
Where are you at in your journey?
Dusting off the crane scale to benchmark a few lifts going into warmer weather
What she said to me in writing
How to count set volume when using drop sets
What are the differences in Squat technique: hypertrophy vs strength?
I have a knot in my back that I can't kick. Looking for advice.
Need protein tips
Can we talk about tattoos? At OUR age?
Gen X, do you think that the world is becoming a better place?
Gym anxiety?
Wanting stick looking body is NOT an ED
Mitigating fatigue on heavy compound days
Pepsi Generation all up in this...
Got my set up ready!
Pilates or strength training
How quickly does significant atrophy occur?
Do we tend to store more fat as we age, or it's just a lifestyle thing?
How to gain muscle (w/o the gym)
Does weak rowing ability sandbag pull ups?/How well does rowing transfer to pull ups?
Been reading up on Gelatin and Vitamin C; is it really worth the hype?