Old doodles of what different Moomin characters/species would look like around the world
Is it possible to make a successful hat with non-stretchy yarn?
Border “frame”: close to centre or close to edge?
Date idea with injured wife
2025 Knitting Goals
Partner is sick for New Year's...
Been learning a lot since joining this sub
am i missing anything by reading the books in finnish?
How old are you? If you don't mind me asking...
New trend, apparently…
Tips needed: updating pattern
Hur låter man ströbröd svälla med mjölk utan att det blir klumpigt? Snälla, hjälp, jag är på gränsen till att förlora mitt svenska medborgarskap.
Does anyone know where I can find the 1990’s season of the moomin anime with english subtitles?
Moomin recipes
Överreagerar jag, eller bör man kunna förvänta sig att en lågstadielärare kan hyfsat korrekt svenska?
a questionnaire for my moominous study
Namn som inte fungerar i USA!
Tell me 3 things about you and I'll suggest you a pattern to knit!
I bought the yarn but the project isn’t happening anymore
boyfriend sweater curse?
Do I have to block it?
Help with memory quilt design
Stuck on a sweater and can’t start anything new until it’s done. Help me suck it up and just do the thing?
Ajdyrynrpsowujgh - so angry at myself
Who says you can't knit at a metal festival?