My friends suddenly turned on me. Idk what to do.
I Just Got Fired Over a Fing Time Stamp.
AIO to my boyfriend’s response to my hysterectomy?
Rory not seeing herself as privileged as Logan: Valid or Ridiculous?
I can’t have sex and feel broken
potentially dangerous item - do not order!
Selling my uterus. I hate cramps
My GF cheated on me whilst travelling and I don’t know what to do
My boyfriend can’t finish/gets soft during s*x
Did you have to remove your piercings?
AITA for skipping my brother's wedding because his fiancée excluded my wife from the guest list?
Does anybody else think FOUR of these is just unbelievably unrealistic for us average players out there?
I told her I’m in love with her :/
What will happen to my hormones/sex drive?
Im scared my mum will make me marry my cousin
Darker or lighter?
Help me choose
Just as I gave up on the grocery category... finally snagged my first food item!
You can’t convince me that Dave and Lane broke up
Meeting my wife’s friend from school went insanely wrong and I feel very conflicted about it. (Rant)
See this on Twitter, this code is really good
Did I miss something?
Engraving Reset 2024 Advice Megathread
Christmas Blow Out with my Husband