The magical talent genie has visited you and will increase any talent you have 5x! But it comes with a cost.
Roth 401k vs Roth IRA
Financial prepping
Suspect arrested, students dissatisfied with UH's response following sexual assault case
The Govt says Money Isn't Property... So it can seize at will
You get one million dollars but from now on every time your wife cooks something for you you have to tell her it tastes better when your mum makes it
Help me bedazzle a Disney World vacation for a family of 6 (plus extended family)
Vacation Fund
All-in on Bitcoin ETF in my 401K
Can vaccines make puppies tired?
[NFA] Rugged Obsidian 45 $609 FREE SHIP Add to Cart Price
Highest Financial ROI decisions
Does a year end bonus change anything in the FOO?
Who's excited for their Net Worth Statement this year?
Anyone else let them sleep on the bed?
Bitcoin in a Mutant portfolio?
2025 IRS limits for 401k and IRA
Households that make under 250k and get no family help, how old are you and how much do you have saved for retirement?
Revisting my Emergency Fund
Do they ever discuss WHAT exactly to invest in?
Is there a reason for the FOO providing a range of 20-25% instead of just saying 25%?
Taurus TX22 T.O.R.O. Gen II
Financial apps
New shooter's silly modification idea for a new shooter's preference
East River Project