Affordable urgent care clinic in San Antonio?
Waited in the ER for 20 hours to remove my burst appendix, now I have a hole in my abs!
If you’re in San Antonio and you need a junior Software Dev job, hmu
Any recent CS grads still looking for a job? I can refer you
Best apartment complex near USAA headquarters?
After 600+ SWE applications, I got a Data Science offer. Will it help me break into SWE later?
[0 YoE, Recent Graduate, CS, USA] Was really proud of my resume 3 months ago. 400+ apps later and no interviews are making me doubt it
buying bare minimum insurance for my first car [I'm 18]. Can you tell me which of those policies is an absolute must?
What could possibly go wrong if I register my car in my dad's name for lower insurance?
Just bought my first car for 4,000 and found out insurance is $370/mo....
Is my little brother getting ripped off? 4700$ for a 2012 Mazda3 w/skyactive (144k miles)
Would you buy a 2012 Mazda 3 w/Skyactive for 4700$ (144k miles) ?
Mazda 2012 Skyactiv with 147k miles for 4700$. Is it a good deal??
CDNIM vs Turathi blue vs afnan SNOI as a gift for my 18 yo brother?
Dad was referred to secondary inspection 4 TIMES while being a US citizen
How to find a lot of job postings for new grads?
Cheap retinal exam/imaging without insurance?
University police wrote me up for sitting in the backseat with my girlfriend, said they're "allowed to view identification for any person on campus" [TX]
Help Me Choose / Daily Discussion (Post here to follow rules A & B) - Sunday May 12, 2024
Fuck gender studies
Even if u had fame and gl face u can’t survive being short