Why do people have to be so nasty about my parenting choices ???
How did you induce naturally?
Whats your zodiac sign and what zodiac sign are you giving birth to?
2.5 year old being so rough with newborn 😭
We listen and we don't judge - Pregnancy edition
What’s worse: 3rd trimester tired or newborn tired?
Being ghosted by a long term friend
If you are reading this, a big shift has happened for you - and everything you want is happening easily and effortlessly. Let me affirm for you!
This US anti-drug ad from the 90s perfectly depicts how the 1st trimester feels for me
Trust your god
Terrified of labour. Epidural or no epidural? What are your thoughts?
Bedsharing helped me regain my sanity
Summary of pain free birthing techniques
Punk/Metal scene??
What do you order instead of alcohol when out?
Has anyone had a successful first pregnancy with no prior miscarriage?
Does the vagina really bounce back after birth?
Whole milk
AITA for refusing to buy my wife a "push present"
Losing my will to do this. “Overdue” and having fears. Would love some encouragement.
What Are Your Thoughts on Sex Drive (2008)?
Lost a friend of a decade after suggesting we watch Midsommar. “It traumatized me.”
What age were you during your first pregnancy?
39w6d. Baby Hasn’t Dropped—Doctor Suggesting C-Section by Feb 12