Recommendations for a more formal restaurant
What are your most sneaky monthly expenses that you sometimes or always forget about?
Waluigi Pinball
Gate Key-pers is the worst mini game of all time
Who do y'all main and why?
My mom used to have a book that helped shape her ideology and it was red and navy blue stripes???
Most underrated funny line in the show?
(KH3 Ending Spoilers) Did this feel natural or shoehorned in?
Come out to vote!
1 sauce per item is a crime
Good boss title cards are known even if blured here's proof
Features in a rom hack that turn you off.
Which is the best cancelled show you've watched?
Pickup basketball
My local GameStop is shutting down.
I need ideas for bracelets
What game do you think will win Best Soundtrack at the Game Awards 2024?
These Vehicles Are Dead for 2025.
Good Cheap Date Ideas?
Why is the hollow knight bigger than us if we have the exact same age?
Rewatching MASH.. wow they're alcoholics.
Looking for apartments that allow ferrets