nobnunuga's en(4 meters ) next to zeno's en (300 meters)
shorter / higher delt insertions vs. longer / lower
o1-pro a lot faster
o1 Pro a lot faster
do people genuinely think ging is a worse father than silva
Anyone know the difference between these two jackets?
What is the most iconic slay the spire relic?
When the Spire decides you ARE starting with 2 extra cards
The A0 noob is stopped in their shiv spam. The A20H pro gets hit for 48 while frail on turn 2.
this plastic part throwing me off
is jajanken's strength in terms of aura output just that gon can channel more local aura?
Is this a rare skip? Or do I risk most of my defense with Pandora's box?
90% Win Rate Chinese Defect Player A20H Tier List
I decided each character deserved their own flex.
I Used Claude to Save 31% on My Heating Bill in 5 Minutes
Are the drums on Kid A (the song, not the album) acoustic or from a drum machine?
Are all TCAs the same? Platinum Skincare vs. "generic"
When and how to take Boron?
What should we think about microplastics in the brain?
Bryan now trying Sofwave for skin rejuvenation. Denies the use of Botox/fillers.
Tried making a relic that isn't SSSSS++++++ or F- tier, how'd I do? that's why tantrum is important for the infinite, huh.
Magic? In MY Spire?