So its been a month - How is Baldurs Gate 3 on the Steam Deck?
Was Early access worth it?
What gaming fact are you Just TIRED of explaining to people
Why is ken plus and safe on everything
Hex Charge+ No Longer Dealing Damage Up Front?
Help: Sera Struggles
Theorycrafting Galactus
Pixel variants are a big let down
Which Unit Has The Funniest Voice Line? "Baddies beware, Mama's got a gun!"
what are some of the most iconic oice lines in the game? I was thinking of doing a sort of survey of what is THE favorite voice line.
Okay can someone explain to me when you get to take your turn vs Berserker?
As Grappler, how do you utilize oki when nearly everyone has a invincible DP?
Video Proof: Yes, Bard Level Up Is Bugged
How does bard level up condition work
Bug Reports - Patch 3.8.0
Bard Appears to Be Working Improperly
Instead of Mono Shurima, can we call the deck "Blockbuster"?
My theory on the LoR behind the scenes going-ons and why the meta state has very little to do with it
Forget Gnar or Bandle City, the AI Is the Real Villain
Bug Reports - Patch 3.2.0
Gnar's AI deck played 6 flamespitters against me
The Meta is fine imo
Is there a deck you seem to always lose against?
Where are Vladimir adjustments?
There's more to this game than just champions