Purified Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein - It was soooo green.
AITAO I kicked my Ex out who is also the mother of my child
Cried because KFC didn’t give me gravy
maternity leave
roy kent: minimalist 😂
My dad left me in a country I do not want to be in without him
Patients throwing up a fuss about getting height taken at their appointment
[Spoilers Extended] Why is Tyrion with Robert at the start of Game of Thrones? Was he in Kings Landing before the trip up north, if so why?
Upcoming Fertility Appointment
Likelihood of abdominal ultrasound at 9w?
Harassment and threats help (MI)
Left the -80 open…
Authentic dishes to try next time I go to a chinese restaurant? Any suggestions for places to eat in northeast Ohio?
I'm a parent, and my daughter's school keeps feeding the students cold as ice food
AITA for Telling a woman that a normal-Sized couldn’t satisfy her after she made a comment about guys?
Maybe "Reverse" BIFL
New Pregnancy
Error dolphin-028
Is anyone coming off of GLP1/Tirzepetide?
Evening water aerobics classes
Keys not dropping
AITA for complaining about a Black-owned business not letting me try period underwear before buying?
Could you bake cookies in an autoclave?
Husband laid off
Denied bereavement to employee who lost 3-day old fetus. Well?