How hard should one have to press to avoid fret buzz?
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
14 been working out 2 months
How can I get abs?
I think I’m in love
Misandry exists and people need to stop pretending it doesn't
6v6 thoughts on tanks
AIO that I sent this filet mignon back because I ordered it "medium"?
Anti-Love Songs
(M20 5’8 155lbs) started a little over a month ago. Any tips? Ratings?
They done outjerked us again
Combat in 5e/5.5 could be 100x better if there were more abilities that used reactions.
Ball main here
Is Power Word Kill weak?
Why are fat shaming jokes unacceptable but when small penis jokes are made people say it’s to attack someone’s insecurity rather than the actual penis?
How am I supposed to rank up with teammates like this
Hog in 6v6 feels kind of weak?
How Much Alcohol per Day is too Much?
I don't see the point of it other than wasting everyone's time
How do spell caster monsters’ action economy work?
Dripppy or nah my golden lineage noble gladiator
Is it okay to be a DM for my first time ever playing??
Songs that mention religion but aren’t religions
What would you change here?
Songs that mention "life" in the title