I dreamt that I (23f) cheated on my boyfriend (25m) and I don’t know why?
35F 40M My boyfriend said he will never marry me. How do I proceed? [Update]
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
Any Actuaries Working Abroad?
Serious question about women like Hajar and Nour’s expectations in Arab culture when it comes to finances/the man being the provider
I read this month - Book Discussion!
Looking for a baby shower event space for approx 20 people in South Brooklyn that has a nice outside atmosphere/vibe
When to tell my employer about being pregnant
Should I go to couple's therapy with my girlfriend who is married?
My 23f boyfriend 23m revealed he supports Trump today and I'm dealing with an internal conflict. What is the best course of action?
I feel like there's something wrong with me for not wanting a wedding.
Maid of Honour
Starting to plan for Fall 2025
First-ever Solomon Schechter day school in North America goes Orthodox
It's just dawned on me...I'm not really a bridesmaid as advertised!
Fiance (26M) refusing to serve tea to my (27F) mother at our wedding tea ceremony
We can all learn from Nour
AITA for blowing up at a lady for threatening my TODDLER with Santa?
AITA for saying yes to my boyfriend’s public proposal and then turning him down in private?
They have Nothing on Us.
Antisemitic incidents against non-religious Jews
Friends of mine wish me Merry Christmas or I wish them, but they fail to say Happy Hanukkah
Should I Have Brought Flowers to My Fiancé’s Bridal Shower?
My mother cheated on my dad with 5 different men, but they didn't get divorced. I don't know what to think.
Are dating apps a good way to find a Jewish match?