March Point Challenge
Where can I buy cool modern casts or reproductions of Clovis, Folsom, etc?
Possible scraper/tool or JAR?
Pickwick from South Georgia. Flint River tannic staining gives it this glossy look.
Southwest Georgia, USA ID help
Resources for learning indirect percussion?
Newb Question: Debitage v. Nature
ID HELP on arrowhead..better pics of my pottery just for fun .. northeastern Mississippi creek finds
Hope he got his camera back 😁 (1987/Present )
Hope he got his camera back 😁
Novaculite cutie
Sweetwater Biface Cast
Coastal plains Newnan
Do any of these look worth purchasing at a local antique store or are they overpriced?
Finding your own stone?
Help ID
I wanted to share this big biface with you all
Rock sellers?
What kind of nurse? 🤔
Adena point?
Boring, but a genuine question.
Identifying my first rocks.
Blood Meridian
Don’t be that guy
What’s the best book you’ve ever read?