Stelle Cosplay
Ended up cosplaying Stelle this past weekend 💛
Pa refer naman po please?
Thoughts about 11pm to 8am shift vs 3am to 12noon shift?
30k basic. Fixed dayshift and SatSun off. Australian Client.
Any other way to contact CS?
Home Guide
Too late to start?
Returning player question
Cloud Phone
How do I unlock my items? There are a lot of items that I want to sell and I can't.
Weekly help thread - Sep 23, 2024
RE: DFA Passport Appointment Reschedule
Monthly Ragnarok Server Listings [New or returning? Start here!]
What is POC?
Thoughts niyo sa dripdesk asia?
Bard int acc or nipper ??
Content Moderation - how bad is it?
Yesterday, I applied to a BPO company in MOA. It took me more than 2 hours to reach home, would it make sense if I decide to work for this company kung ganito katagal ang byahe ko? Please I need insights. 😔
Magkano ba talaga ang range ng base pay if atleast 1 yr exp ka?
Nag ma-matter ba ang weekends off especially if you are in Call Center?
I hate being ghosted
Got ghosted again after doing it
What battle animations do you miss?
curiousity: what happened to gravity going after pservers