What do you do when one part of a full tray fails mid print?
First attempts with Bambu A1 Mini
Space Wolves Battle Sister
Very nearly done on my first box of Plague Marines
Printed and painted up a 105% scale Rhino. A1 with basic PLA.
Pretty meh Marine
WGA just dropped the best nurgle conversion set I've seen....
What should I name my kill team?
Plague Marines vs Black Templars
Nightbringer - Another FDM Print
Some heavy armor troopers for… something!
FDM has come a long way (Kasrkin Kill Team)
Anyone willing to PDF the 10th edition starter handbook?
FDM Blood Ravens are nearly ready for deployment
Another Norn Emissary - Bambu Lab A1 Mini
Baneblade Tank
Never thought id be printing warhammer on an FDM printer.
UK painters, anywhere to get some decent bulk mini's to practice on?
Wallet says no Krieg says yes
Typo on Mew V
With Contrast Paints, what is the minimum amount of colours I'll need to paint WW2 infantry?
Beastgrave primal liar
Grim Dark Future: Human Models
Kitbashed Tarrasque. The official WizKids Tarrasque mini was a bit too expensive for my liking…
Blight Hauler done!