In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
Is therapy the only way to heal from emotional trauma and wounds?
People who've gone to Thailand, what’s your favorite part of visiting the country?
What’s your favorite part of visiting Thailand?
I’d pay good money to witness a conversation between Tanya McQuoid-Hunt and Victoria Ratcliff, even though I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t fully understand what’s going on.
Is veganism a religion?
12 truths you need to hear
What is something you secretly judge people for?
I cannot believe I’m from a generation that paid for ringtones.
who actually liked this flavor back in the day
People who can obsess and grind for 10+ hours per day towards their goals and remain focused the whole time, how do you do it? [Discussion]
So, what does Rick actually do?
I hate people who say sammich
Why is it unacceptable to wear pajamas in public?
Wash and Go +Golden hour
I love humanity but I don’t like people
Do you find that many US Americans have a negative sentiment toward frugality?
How many of y’all are LimeWire old?
What makes a person have "authenticity?"
Do you and your friends seem to have the same amount of money?
Why do unhealthy people like to shame healthy people about their healthy habits?
The new way to set boundaries