is all hope lost for me?
List your decisions so far
Which college should I commit to?
Chance a moroccan with extremely terrible gpa due to extenuating circumstances
T20 college ranking in prestige only
is boston college coming out on 18th?
What are you guys' reach schools?
UT Austin Applied Math vs. CMU Applied Math
How many kids didn't apply to all ivies if they applied to one?
tufts rd date predictions?
conflicted between two schools HELP
Why I Turned Down Multiple Ivy League Interviews
Northwestern in 11 days
Is it worth an extra 120k to go to GTech over Umass Amherst?
Are Cornell likelies coming out?
Retaking 1520 SAT
Does Lee still leave?
6 rejections this week
I am spiraling downward at the speed of light into a dumpster fire of despair
Anyone get UF Honors College decision or will they roll out continuously?
Odds of going 0/15 RD
convince me that stanford is better than MIT
Accepted to MIT + Columbia likely!!!
[UPDATE] $300k profit crypto business owner REJECTED everywhere but his safety, can't help but feel disappointed
Duke Applicants, Have You Done Both Optional Essays?