BWT - Fashion influencers worth following
How healthy is it if I just eat Trader Joe's frozen dinners 7 days a week?
How does Kylie Jenner achieve this hairstyle?!
Down 20 lbs on 18 days. Choices since new years.
Crinkly crust - Brownies
Restoring Pan
S'mores Cookies by Sarah Kieffer (not sure why they are called s'mores, as there is no graham anywhere in the cookie) Let me know if you want recipe, I can post in comments when I'm home with the cookbook.
South Asian Food
Halal Turkey Dinner Spots for Thanksgiving
What does a 1500 calorie meal plan look like?
I hate the way Lorelai and Emily speak to medical professionals.
Asian Beauty
What makes you feel like this in Gossip Girl?
S2 Finale Question
How old is Luke?
Why is Chloe allowed to take her dog everywhere!?
my makeup after 8 hours!
Rory rejecting the proposal . Thoughts?
Is this the actor who plays Jackson in Hannah Montana?
Culture Question
Top cringy Gilmore Girls moments
Ube Latte
Young Lorelai, and young Christopher
This meal was amazing 🥹
Dean's dinner at the Gilmore mansion