coaxed into virtue signaling
Real struggle
Started playing Terraria recently...
A place where short term adhd/short term memory lose players suffered
Reddit has fallen. There has been a sidewide mass ban-wave against LGBTQ and porn subs, likely in an attempt to please the new US administration.
Describe a quest poorly and see if anyone can guess it.
“Are you new here??” Is the quickest way to piss me off
Guys, why do you work in retail?
Creatine has been blessing me so far🙏🙏
Coaxed into every r/all sub
According to this Website this is the free City of danzig
is he stupid?
Why didn’t Bojack get on antidepressants???
An animated series?
No options left
Yall think I'm ready to fight my first dragon?
Can Someone explain the bean thing to me?
Finding out that my type of female intimate part can't put any menstrual cup or tampon is my 9/11.
POV: You were adopted by Humans.
petition for an alternate ending
Tip: give your human some time, they are trying to learn.
Lady scolding me for not chasing after shoplifters
Why is the Grim Reaper wearing this “outfit” ??
What's the most stupid thing a doctor has said to you regarding LC?
Am I the only one that thinks CS1 is still better?
human lae’zel