Timeline from Consult to Surgery with Dr. Bluebond-Lagner
Do I pass better or worse w/ snakebites?
Vertical labret rejecting?
Missing my stinker while she’s in brumation
do i pass?
uninvited :(
Did you ever think you’d never get a piercing,
Age and Do I Pass/ What Can I Do to Pass Better? (I know that the track shorts don’t pass)
Got a hair cut
I just listened to every Voidz album and single. What are some of your favorite lyrics?
should i take out the septum and labret and replace them with just one nostril?
Does T make you aggressive?
How long did it take for your voice to drop?
When did your period stop on T?
I am once again asking for your opinion on my passing (pre-T)
pre-t passing + hair tips
21 Pre-T enby with a new haircut
Do I pass? How do I pass better?
Passing tips??
Does my voice pass?
20 months on T. how old do i look? i pass 99% of the time but dysphoria still makes me have my doubts.
upper body passing? (on the left)
18 mtf, been on for a 1yr 3mth
1 Year & 1 Month HRT! How am I doing? (No sugar coating)
chat am i screwed