Tried my luck with xp 81+ choice pack
These XP path packs keep f*king with me
End of S3 uninteresting team post
What should I upgrade
Thoughts on my team?
Megan Keller 2+ 🚨
When does the Fantasy cards upgrade? Thanks!
Won a game in champs via disconnect and didn’t get the win.
How can I make my squad better?
5 win SB pack
A few line up questions
Won a champ game
Team is almost set for end of game
Is it worth adding toty Hughes to my team ?
Hut champs rewards
Heise, Keller, or hellebuyck?
What's the deal with the xp cards u get that are bnd and can't even use them to get Larkin kinda makes no sense why I would want them other then for that or if u like a player
Kochetkov is f*** brutal
XP grind - what am I missing?
Kuchy & Makar or Makar & Hughes..
Are you gonna use 84 & 86?
Is it possible?
If toty is Mcdavid, kucherov, mackinnon, makar, Hughes and hellybuck. How many do you have?
We got one 4nations choice pack!
Xp path Larkin