New Health App update
New Stress widget?
Fast charging issue with usb-c to usb-c cables
I created redesigns for the Italian road signs!
Weather in my area for me it's artic cold.
Which road sign is this?
Traffic speed light
Wyd in this situation
0 faults!!!
Nest hub display has started to die
what does this number mean
NowBar on OneUI 6.1
Behold, the Galaxy Gauntlet!
Galaxy watch 7 battery after 2 weeks
What's the oldest samsung in your household?
Dropdown menu color changed after OneUI 6
I have achieved GREATNESS!
Love them or hate them, the HST is iconic
Galaxy Watch6 battery life is terrible after One UI 6.0 Watch update
Look after updating to one ui 6 on watch.
What is going on with my camera?
Why exactly is this sign square? Was it to use less space in the median perhaps?
What old train company logo could this be?
It's 251 degrees