Those after school specials didn’t work on me because I’m giving in to peer pressure!! Here’s me at 15, and 50.
Hello darkness my old friend..
sopa de fideo
What's your go-to diner jukebox song?
Dinner with my fav plate
Lunch Specials
Tomato-porridge, tofu and various veggies (plus nutritional yeast obviously)
But is she really Bold?
I've been asked to explain the iron and steel tariffs.
Hey there Peter how would you like to take a half a pound of hamburger and make a delicious meal for the whole family?
Gas station miso quinoa bowl for my transiversary✨
CD openers for when you had so many new CDs that you needed a special opener to open them.
Such an underrated joke
Crunchy cracker tacos (vegan white people tacos)
Just about anyone can inspire a Roger persona
Joe Nagy Approved
Elk steak and sweet potato. $48.
“Psst, Carol! Got any shovies?”
What are ye looking at?
Has anyone here actually eaten at a kitchen nightmares establishment?
Today’s featured article on Wikipedia
Anyone keep one of these in your parachute pants?
Grocery Shopping
that’s it pal… you are outta here!!!
Accidentally vegan pierogies