Be Careful with Trym Health
Compounded source FDA violations warning
NPR story about GLP1
Ousia Sterility Test Results
PSA: You can make no statement about concentration based on total mg of Tirzepatide in the vial!
Oisuia Tested, Now what do I do?
Ousia purity test results
NPR story about Zappy Health and Ousia Pharmacy
I have a question regarding zappy effectiveness
California Compounded GLP-1 Stockpiling Options
Should I order a redraw?
Refunds due to illegitimate pharmacy
Zappy Health Hallandale Order
NPR Story about Zappy and Ousia Pharmacy
My trym order
NPR Story about Shady Pharmacy used by Zappy and S D R X.
Zappy Chargeback Success (Chase)
NPR report on Zappy Health and Ouisa Pharmacy
NPR report on Zappa Health and Ouisa Pharmacy
Trym arriving today
Latest mass email from SDRX
Ousia outside testing
Orderly switched to ProRX/Smartscripts & Zappy moved to Hallandale