Is it bad that I only preordered the ultimate edition for this outfit?
🫵Purchase & Support Bleach: Rebirth of Souls.
Im super hyped for rebirth of souls because the last game I played was shattered blade and you can see the difference and how long it's been since we've had an arena fighter
man these pikmin look odd
did anyone else think this guy was the beast titan?
I love when they add items into the game from real life and tie it to the lore
Why did hoyoverse sell a physical version when it's always online and free? And is it worth getting just for the extras?
How have you guys not heard of Arturo Plateado?? He defeated Yamamoto in the anime during the SS arc. He would be a great candidate for Rebirth of Souls!
I really hope Arturo Plateado is a dlc character for Rebirth of Souls
If they port the enhanced trilogy to the US, do you think they'll eng dub the first 2 games?
Are the retailer-exclusive arts available digitally anywhere?
There is a version of the 10th anniversary box set with the amiami poster and additional chara line graph for 200 USD for you Lola lovers
If you guys preorder the trilogy from gamers you get this tapestry of kirin. I guess I'm buying gunvolt 1-3 again lol
10 years later and still no spiritual successor to Legends
Azure Striker Gunvolt Trilogy Enhanced - Official Premiere Trailer
What is Morrigan thinking right now?
Stop posting about liking/disliking the game, post memes and fun facts instead!
This version of Taash from the concept art is badass!!
Starting down the graded rabbit hole, hardest first
What game franchise does this?
Just to let people know this game has an 82 on metacritic. At the end of the day listen to critics instead of grifters
I kinda wish we could use the Lyrium Dagger more offensively
I expected the combat of Veilguard to be boring but it's actually my favorite part!
To spite the critics
Just a few screenshots I took so far on my journey! I'm so happy for the inclusion of photo mode!