NO WAY! He’s on the phone? What an absolute machine! 🤯
ZeLeNsKyY wAs DiSrEsPeCtFuL tO tHe U.S
Tesla dealer wants Manitobans to know he’s Nott in business with Elon Musk
Non-Voters are to blame just as much
Hearing the News
The Idiot in Chief
People Fighting for Stock on Friday
The future RFK Jr wants for America.
Manitoba will start moving people from encampments into housing in 2025, balance budget by 2027: Kinew | CBC News
RV stuck in drive thru
Ubisoft Anti-Cheat Updates
Mods lately
Battlepass map for this season
Because the Mods removed my previous shitpost.
When the mods hear about a political post making fun of the right.
2011 iMac boots up to a screen like this and nothing else. What could be the issue?
The ripple effects of the 2024 Election
So many Cybertrucks
Legit insert and manual? Seems a bit too bright from the other ones I've seen.
So my local target has a few of these in stock
Watching mail in ballots and early voting numbers coming in.
What is the Rarest game you own?
I used all my luck for the year 75$
All 4 USB ports are not working (CECHE01). Need help.