Americans need to chill on Rednote about Drugs
ur jokingggg yall i blew my cover
How long it takes, on average, for a male-focused subreddit to turn into "women bad" echochamber?
A Guy I Work With…..
Telling AP she has to cook herself..?
Do you have a ‘I wish I knew ___’?
Wife wants to spend 3 nights with girl friend. Comments Hell
Wife wants to spend 3 nights with girl friend
AITA for being offended that a dinner guest implied podiatrists were sexual deviants?
AITA my asking a bridesmaid to choose a different dress for my wedding? Her giant breasts are going to send my great grandmother into a coma.
AITA my asking a bridesmaid to choose a different dress for my wedding?
Read my wife’s chat history and now I just want to die
GF gets angry everytime I call her out on her behaviour
AITA For Telling My Girlfriend I Have Every Right To Defend My Home After Someone Started Kicking My Door In
AIO? Husband left car unlocked, it was robbed and trashed, he left for me to clean up.
Autism sub mod telling me they think autism should be cured
People who are aggressively free of something
I'll have YOUR cheeseburger
I'm so confused.
Did Pete deserve Trudy?
"No one wants to work anymore"
AIO to suspecting my gf of cheating on me after not wanting goodnight kiss?
oh FUCK OFF now, autism is NOT when you do a nazi salute at a rally
Video games should cost more
AITA for telling my supervisor that coworkers comments about my weight made me upset?