Coming of age movie for adults?
What’s the farthest location you’ve been in each cardinal direction?
What’s a movie that you used to find hilarious but is now super cringe?
What are the LEAST overrated tourist destinations in the U.S.?
Best Tools and Apps for Learning World Geography?
Tokyo wins Pink! What city is Gold?
Your favorite movie whose title doesn't make sense?
WYR be exempt from taxes or illness/injury free until age 75?
Learnt all Capitals, Flags and Borders, whats next?
Do you prefer cooperative board games or competitive/dueling ones, and why?
What are your favorite multiple rhymes in musicals?
If you could magically see where anybody fits in venn diagram, what three labels would you choose?
Most recognisable or just best looking country/state outline
What films and shows would you choose in this scenario?
Which pill will you choose?
What is your useless talent?
if there was a elementary and middle school reunions would you go, why or why not?
Introverts, what is your type of adventure?
Moscow wins red! What city is orange?
Former 24yr old fentanyl/heroin addict and drug dealer, AMA!
What is the clearest water you’ve ever seen?
Let’s play a game 😁 What city is Red?
A mysterious wealthy gentleman offers you $20K for as many months from your lifespan as you’re willing to give
Pledge allegiance to the flag
Describe the last boardgame you played using only emojis